Title: Applied Therapeutics | Author(s): Caroline S Zeind, Michael G Carvalho | Publisher: LWW | Year: 2017 | Edition: 11th | Language: English | Pages : 6172 | Size: 48 MB | Extension: pdf
Continually revised and
updated for over 40 years, Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of
Drugs is the gold standard for patient-centered drug therapeutics. With
its acclaimed case-based approach, the Eleventh Edition promotes mastery
and application of the fundamentals of drug therapeutics. Featuring
contributions from more than 200 experienced clinicians, every chapter
has been revised and updated to reflect our ever-changing knowledge of
drugs and the application of this knowledge to the individualized
therapy of patients. As you progress from the General Principles section
to chapters on specific diseases, you will benefit from practical
problem-solving techniques that help you devise effective evidence-based
drug treatment plans.
Given the evolving educational needs of
students, this edition has been thoughtfully revised to align with the
five Institute of Medicine (IOM) core competencies (patient-centered
care, interdisciplinary teams, evidence-based practice, quality
improvement, and informatics), as well as current pharmacy educational
outcomes and the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination
(NAPLEX) competency statements. These strategies ensure relevance to
contemporary pharmacy and preparation for pharmacy practice.
Features to help design safe, effective drug therapy and prepare
students for evidence-based practice:Approximately 900 case studies
challenge you to integrate and apply therapeutic principles in the
context of specific clinical situations, cultivating the
critical-thinking skills needed to optimize patient outcomes.Core
Principles listed at the beginning of each chapter keep you focused on
key content and direct you to specific case studies that enable you to
explore critical concepts and gain further understanding of how they
apply to evidence-based decision making.New chapters address important
recent topics and developments. Drug interactions, pharmacogenomics and
personalized medicine, and interprofessional education and practice are
included in General Principles; systemic lupus erythematosus in
Immunologic Disorders; developmental disorders in Psychiatric Disorders
and Substance Abuse; and prostate cancer in Hematology and Oncology. In
addition, a chapter has been redesigned to focus on Care of the
Critically Ill Adult, which now complements the chapter on Care of the
Critically Ill Child.