Title: Heinemann chemistry 2 | Author(s): Chris Commons | Publisher: Pearson | Year: 2017 | Edition: 5th | Language: English | Pages : 674 | Size: 91 MB | Extension: pdf
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The market-leading and well
known Heinemann Chemistry has been updated to fully match the 2016-2020
VCE Chemistry Study Design. Weve vastly improved this series while still
retaining the style and approach that teachers love.
- Unit 3: How can chemical processes be designed to optimise efficiency?
- Area of study 1: What are the options for energy production?
- Chapter 1: Fuels
- Types of fuels
- Fossil fuels and biofuels
- Petro diesel and biodiesel
- Chapter 2: Energy from fuels
- Exothermic and endothermic reactions
- Thermochemical equations and energy profile diagrams
- Energy from combustion
- Determining the heat of combustion of fuels
- Chapter 3: Combustion of fuels
- Introducing gases
- Universal gas equation
- Calculations involving combustion of fuels - Part 1
- Calculations involving combustion of fuels - Part 1
- Calculations involving energy changes
- Chapter 4: Redox reactions
- Oxidation and reduction
- Oxidation numbers
- Writing complex redox equations
- Chapter 5: Galvanic cells as a source of energy
- Galvanic cells
- The electrochemical series
- Predicting direct redox reactions
- Everyday sources of power
- Chapter 6: Fuel cells as a source of energy
- Fuel cells
- Area of study 2: How can the yield of a chemical product be optimised?
- Chapter 7: Rate of chemical reactions
- Investigating the rate of chemical reactions
- Collision theory
- Collision theory and reaction rate
- Catalysts
- Chapter 8: Equilibrium
- Dynamic equilibrium
- The equilibrium law
- Working with equilibrium constants
- Calculations involving equilibrium
- Le Chateliers principle
- Further applications of Le Chateliers principle
- Optimising the yield of industrial processes
- Chapter 9: Production of chemicals by electrolysis
- Electrolytic cells
- Commercial electrolytic cells
- Faradays laws
- Unit 4: How are organic compounds categorised, analysed and used?
- Area of Study 1: How can the diversity of carbon compounds be explained and categorised?
- Chapter 10: Structure and nomenclature of organic compounds
- Carbon compounds and structural isomers
- Stereoisomers
- The simplest hydrocarbons
- Functional groups - Part 1
- Functional groups - Part 2
- IUPAC nomenclature
- Chapter 11: Properties and reactions of organic compounds
- Boiling points and solubility of organic compounds
- Viscosity and flashpoints of organic compounds
- Chemical properties of alkanes, halo alkanes and alkenes
- Reactions of alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters
- Reaction pathways
- Yield and the chemical industry
- Chapter 12: Analysis of organic compounds using spectroscopic techniques
- Infrared spectroscopy
- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- Mass spectroscopy
- Determination of molecular structure using spectroscopy
- Chapter 13: Analysis of organic compounds using chromatography
- Principles of chromatography
- High performance liquid chromatography
- Chapter 14: Analysis of organic compounds using volumetric analysis
- Principles of volumetric analysis
- Acid base titrations
- Redox titrations
- Area of Study 2: What is the chemistry of food?
- Chapter 15: Structure and bonding in food molecules
- Amino acids
- The formation of proteins
- The primary and secondary structures of proteins
- The tertiary structure of proteins
- Fats and oils
- Carbohydrates
- Vitamins
- Chapter 16: Metabolism of food in the human body
- Metabolism of food in the human body
- Action of enzymes
- Enzymes - dependence of pH and temperature
- Hydrolysis of carbohydrates
- Hydrolysis of fats and oils
- Chapter 17: The energy content of food
- Food - an energy source
- Calorimetry - determining the energy content of food
- Calibration of calorimeters